photography by LETA
I've shared more times than I can recount how much I ❤ summer, how I inhale its delights every year. Add to that the fact that I live in a pretty mild climate, I get more than my fair share of summer-like weather for a good portion of the year and it's all GOOD! Yessss to ENDLESS summers!!!
So how was SUMMER 2018?! Well, let's see: there were a number of good memories, along with a full dose of sheerly devastating moments, and life-shattering/life-defining events. Yes, this was truly a summer for the record books of my life's journey, it's pretty safe to say that it will be a summer that I will never forget.
With all of that said, standing on the other side of it feels good. I feel good. I feel resilient. I feel hopeful. I feel strong. Every experience holds immense value, particularly when you allow yourself to learn from it fully. Living is all about learning! I've acquired a wealth of knowledge throughout my 30+ year lifetime 😉 I consider myself a better person - a better woman - for each and every experience that I've had.
I've learned to live in the present. I've learned to set boundaries. I've learned to value myself. I've learned to celebrate my life. I've learned to practice gratitude. Last but not least, I've learned to look fear in the eye.
May fall be a prosperous season for us all!
Until next time,