Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Leather LBD Edition

Sunnies: c/o HERE| Dress: HERE| Studded handbag: Kate Spade, sold out| Suede sandals: Older, other options HERE & HERE

A few posts back, I slipped into LBD planning gear with a new scuba high-low number, HERE. My personal LBD collection is pretty solid at this point... honestly I had no intention of adding another newbie to my repertoire- that is until I came across this BABY 💥ON SALE HERE💥 
It suddenly occurred to me that a successful LBD collection should consist not only of varied styles, but also of varied textures! Like how did I miss that necessary fact previously?! LOL!
Seriously ladies, this dress was designed for evey exception. Even before I purchased it, I could see what a fantastic addition it would make to the fold. Faux leather, flutter sleeves, and a ruffle hem!!! 
Since I live in a relatively mild climate, the material and style of this dress makes it ideal for yearlong wear- including the colder months. I’m picturing chunky layers, textured tights, and cute booties just for starters… Even now, although we are supposedly in spring and just about one month away from the inferno of summer…I am wearing it comfortably. 
Of course once we tip into the 90s, I’ll probably retire it to the ‘Rest-up' section of my closet, meanwhile boiling over in anticipation of its next venture out 👀
For my very first run in it, I kept it simple, opting for an all black color palette, an embellished handbag + suede sandals. I got so many compliments on this! Several people even thought that it was real leather😀
I assured them that it was not, but it’s definitely nice to know that it looks just as good as the real thing.
Until next time Babes,


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You look great, as usual! And I agree with you that a collection of LBD's should include different styles and textures. Great tip!


  3. You are the Real Deal and can wear any and EVERY thing. Who knew that leather/faux leather could look so girly? Only Joi knew and I love it all. Kudos Sis!!

    1. Thanks so much Love!!!!!! The designer of this dress scored a hole in one- it is effortlessly stylish 💕

  4. You are smoking in this edgy dress!

  5. Great dress with a lot of potentials, suits you perfectly

  6. This dress is totally a great addition the wardrobe, a total must! I love the fit on you, that flutter hem is so sweet!

    Pumps and Push-Ups

  7. Replies
    1. I didn't know I did- but I think I do too- LOL!!! Thank you 💕

  8. Love this rocker chic look! Thanks so much for sharing with Fun Fashion Friday!

    Dawn Lucy

  9. What a great leather dress. You look stunning!

  10. This looks like such a fun dress. Unfortunately I do not live in a mild climate, so the actual time I could wear this without dying of heat prostration would only be a month or two. ;)

    Thanks for sharing on #FridayFrivolity.

  11. Love the sleeves on your dress! You are rocking this look!

    Doused In Pink

    1. The designer did a fantastic job- thank you very much!!

  12. Leather dresses are great. Great nice cut! You look stunning. Thanks for joining the Top of the World Style linkup party.

  13. You look amazing in this dress Joi! I love your bag and sunglasses!

    Emma xxx

    1. Thank you Emma!! This bag was on rotate pretty much all of May-LOL!


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